comment / answer for tea and say hi


Answer 1


me... always want tea.... lol jk.... HI


Answer 2




Related Questions

give at least 5 lifestyle diseases​



Lifestyle diseases are diseases that are made more or less likely by one's habits. 5 of these diseases include cancer, arthritis, asthma, chronic liver disease, and type 2 diabetes.

8. Which important mineral is part of hemoglobin, the molecule which helps transport oxygen
throughout your body?







Iron is a part of hemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. It helps provide oxygen to muscles. Iron is important for cell growth, development, and normal body functions. Iron also helps the body make some hormones and connective tissue

which drug is most common use among teens








What is body composition?'s all in the pic
Only ANSWER if you know...unrelated answers will be reported...and deleted ​


body composition is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone, water and muscle in human bodies ( in physical fitness). Because muscular tissue takes up less space in the body than fat tissue, body composition, as well as weight, determines leanness.

Body composition is the PERCENTAGE of body weight that is FAT, MUSCLE or BONE.
hope this helps

10. ) Match the definition with the correct term.

1.scoring a run
2.sacrifice bunt
3.passed ball, wild pitches and throwing errors
4.sacrifice flies
5.scoring position
6.fielder's choice, doubles, triples, or homeruns
8.grand slam
10.advancing the runners
11.stealing a base

a.when a catcher, pitcher or fielder makes an error and allows a runner to advance

b.when a batter hits a home run and there are runners on first, second, and third - which will score 4 runs total

c.when a runner touches home plate

d.types of hits in baseball or softball

e.moving the runners from one base to the next

f.when the defense has a choice who to get out. A fielder may choose to get the runner going to third rather than the runner going to first.

g.when a runner tries to advance to the next base while the pitcher is throwing to a batter

h.when a batter gets 4 balls thrown to him or her OR gets hit by a pitch

i.when a batter lays down a bunt to force the defense to throw to first base, allowing another runner on base to advance to the next base into scoring position

j.when a runner is on second or third and could get to home plate if the ball is hit hard or fast enough

k.when a batter hits the ball into the air, a runner that is on base can legally try to go to the next base, but only after the ball has been caught by the fielder


1. c
2. i
3. a
4. k
5. j
6. f
7. d
8. b
9. h
10. e
11. g

Sorry if some of them aren’t right I really tried my best I hope this helped u sorry again if there wrong

can anyone help please




Explanation:dont leave pictures that have your name

Which of the following can be used for resistance training
Restance tubing
OC Free wegnts
OD. All of the above



all of the above machines free weights and resistance tubing


D) all of the above


Have you ever felt like you were worthless?



yes sadly i have but i got my act together and moved on with my freaking life

Yes sometimes, but everyone felt that before

what to do if i like someone but shes livid at me bc idk what to do


Tell how about how u feel and shoot ur shot If u shoot ur shot u have more chances with her then if u don’t

pls explain too on how u got it :)





Smooth muscle is found in places that line internal organs, blood vessels, and organs. All of which are not under voluntary control

1. Which technology enables doctors to monitor the function of the
A. dialysis
B. electrocardiogra
C. electroencephalogra
D. automatic external


The technology enables doctors to monitor the function of the heart is electrocardiogram.

What is a electrocardiogram test?

An electrocardiogram documented the electrical indication from the heart to check fheart conditions.

Electrodes are put on the chest to check the heart's electrical signals, which drive the heart to beat.

The indications can be seen in waves form.

Thus, option "B" is correct, electrocardiogram.

To learn more about heart click here:


Question in picture solve



Resting heart rate -  60 to 100 beats per minute

Walk backwards and Brisk walk forward - 110 to 120 beats per minute.

Lateral shuffle and Jog - 160 beats per minute

Skip and Jumping rope - 137 and 166 beats per minute

Jumping jacks - 120 to 150 beats per minute

Squat jumps - 150 to 180 beats per minute

Lunges - 165 to 175 beats per minute

Mountain climber - 142 and 144 beats per minute

X-country skiing - 180 to 185 beats per minute

Cool down walk - 133 to 161 heartbeats per minute

1. Just as exercise strengthens other muscles in your body, it helps your heart muscle become more efficient and better able to pump blood throughout your body.

2. X-country skiing - 180 to 185 beats per minute

3. Interval training (HIIT workouts) Shorter bursts of high intensity exercise have been proven to increase your heart rate more than steady, low intensity workouts.

4. Jumping jacks and jogging, because getting your normal heart beating faster than it's resting rate each day trains your body to move oxygen and blood to your muscles more efficiently.

5. Yes, because giving effort in the activities helps you be confidenceand healthy for daily life

Never make bare hand ______ with the eating or drinking surface of plates / utensils. (7 letters)


Answer: Contact


I did it myself

Please hurry I’m timed

Chromosomes are composed of DNA.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.





chromosomes are DNA and proteins (histones)




Chickenpox is a virus that was common in children, and there are still many cases of the virus each year. Christopher caught chickenpox after spending time with another person that had the virus. The chickenpox represents what link in the chain of transmission in this scenario?



mode of transmission



suspectible host


Why do people give in to negative peer pressure?


People tend to give into negative peer pressure because they want or desire to feel valid in a society that thinks the negative is positive. They want feel “grown up” “accepted” When giving in to peer pressure one is accepting the words of their peers and obeying them in order for them to not be ridiculed or made fun of.
They want to fit in and feel like they’re being cool. They just wanna be accepted and not feel left out or be called a loser by their peers

Part B

Analyze Ramon's diet and find ways to make it healthier by providing suggestions for substitutions, eliminations, and reductions. By making the

right changes, Ramon can bring down his fat and sugar intake and also keep on track with his total servings per food group for each day. Fill in

your suggestions for improving his Day 1 and Day 2 diet.





Font Sizes



Day 1

Substitutions Reductions Elimination

For breakfast

For lunch

For snacks

For dinner

Day 2

Substitutions Reductions Elimination

For breakfast

For lunch

For snacks

For dinner

Characters used: 223/ 15000

632 PM


for snacks


Heat stroke is a severe condition that occurs from extreme exposure to the sun






What is the purpose of the “care” step of first aid?

A.) to keep the victim from passing out before emergency care arrives

B.) to avoid having to call for emergency care

C.) to help the victim survive until emergency care arrives

D.) to make sure there are no further dangers in the vicinity of the victim



C. to help the victim survive until emergency care arrives

To help the victim survive until emergency care arrives

a short term effect of anorexia might include weight loss



yes that is true however there are many more negitive effects then positive ones.


True. Anorexia is underweight severely.

The old saying, “if you don’t use it, you lose it” aptly describes which training principle? A. Overload. B. Specificity. C. Recovery. D. Reversibility





The effects of traning programs are reversible

how do physical fitness activities contribute meaningfully to a person's desired level of fitness?​



Fitness activities are critical to the physical development of the individual


Physical fitness is the capacity to execute regular physical activities in optimal performance, this in order to reduce sedentarism, handle disease/stress states and chronic fatigue. Physical fitness together with healthy food habits are fundamental to achieve the desired physical and mental health regardless of age and previous physical conditions. The most common and beneficial fitness activities include walking, running, swimming, dancing, aerobics, aerobic exercises (i.e., kneeling push-ups, jumping jacks, squats), bicycle riding, etc.

Physical fitness activities contribute to ones' desired level of fitness by:

Burning of excess calorieMaintaining healthy weightImproving heartbeatLowering blood pressure Lowering blood sugar, among others.

Physical fitness activities such as exercise involves the movement of the body as you burn calories.

Examples of physical fitness exercise include:

DancingHikingCyclingWater Aerobics, among others.

Physical fitness activities like exercises can help you achieve the following:

Burning of excess calorieMaintaining healthy weightImproving heartbeatLowering blood pressure Lowering blood sugar, among others.

When these are achieved, the goal of being fit or attaining a level of fitness becomes realizable as your health will greatly improve. Having a healthy body is dependent on your level of fitness.

In summary, physical fitness activities contribute to ones' desired level of fitness by:

Burning of excess calorieMaintaining healthy weightImproving heartbeatLowering blood pressure Lowering blood sugar, among others.

Learn more here:

Do you know someone who went to the quack? What are his reasons? ​


Quack? Please include more context for the problem a picture or more information please and thank you for an answer

What is your basal metabolism?
A.The amount of energy your body utilizes during exercise.
B.The minimum amount of energy required for your body to survive.
C.The amount of energy your body needs to burn in order to lose weight.
D.The maximum amount of energy your body can utilize in the course of a day.





Answer: its B

Explanation: you need energy to survive if you dont have energy then you wont be able to do the things you do daily

I hope This Helps

Guillermo was finding it difficult to walk up the steps to his family’s apartment. His doctor thinks that his cells might not be getting enough oxygen or glucose.

Why does having low levels of glucose or oxygen in his cells make it difficult for Guillermo to walk up steps?
Which body systems should the doctor test in order to find out whether Guillermo’s cells are getting enough oxygen and glucose and why?



Oxygen and glucose are both essential for energy production.


Glycolysis is the break down of sugar with or without the presence of oxygen to provide energy to our cells. The energy for the cell is in the form of ATP. In the presence of oxygen the process is much more efficient and is the last step in oxidative phosphorylation. In this process the Oxygen will pick up the protons that have driven the proton motif force that was used to turn the ATPase that was used to make ATP. The oxygen picks up these protons and keeps the cell pH stable and this is called metabolic water. The Dr should check the blood for the presence of both glucose and oxygen.

1. Observe and look around your community / baranggay . List 5 situation or scenarios of unhealthy environment.

2. How each of them impact you and your neighbour's health?​


Lots of things has contributed to unhealthy environment,not only in my community but in most communities.

Urbanization, exploration, industrialization and mining all are contributing factors to an unhealthy environment and this is a leading cause of mortality in our contemporary communities.

Below are the lists of 5 situation or scenerio of unhealthy environment and the impact each of them have on me and my neighbors health.

AIR POLLUTION; In a scenerio where fossil fuels are being burnt and release of exhaust fumes from moving cars,these fumes contains dangerous gases like carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides,these gases rises to the atmosphere,reacts with atmospheric gases and in turn forms more toxic and dangerous gases.

Agricultural activities in our community makes use of livest wastes which contains ammonia that enters the air as a gas and further combines with toxic atmospheric gases.

When these gases are inhales by people in the community,it goes deep down the lungs to cause heart and pulmonary diseases.

WATER POLLUTION; This occurs when fertilizers we use for agricultural practices,sewages and waste waters finds themselves in water bodies and thus promote algae and weed growth due to the presence of nutrients in the wastes making the water unhealthy and unfit for drinking.

When this unhealthy water is consumed by the community,it causes rashes, stomach and liver diseases, respiratory problems, neurological problems and other serious health problems.

LAND AND SOIL POLLUTION; This is seen when lands are destroyed or made toxic through varying human activities like:

Application of herbicides and pesticides to the soil, and disposal of wastes improperly.

These causes varying skin problems, respiratory problems and different kinds of cancer.

NOISE POLLUTION; Social events and heavily industrial machines produces noise that causes ear problems and hearing loss for people on the community.

LIGHT POLLUTION; Prolonged and excess use of light especially at night like electronic billboards,city parks and car lights can cause vision impairment for people in the community.

Smoking of people, use of pesticides, smoke produced by vehicles, industrial waste and throwing of garbage.

Smoking of people, the use of pesticides, pollution made by vehicles, industrial waste and throwing of garbage are the 5 situations which made our environment unhealthy. All these situations adversely affected the health of all the surrounding people who are present in this environment.

These are the human activities which pollute the environment as well as make the people unhealthy so we can conclude that these 5 situations made our environment unhealthy.

Learn more:

Mindy notices that many new staff members do not know how to properly clean up hazardous waste. She organizes a
meeting and invites all the new staff members so she can teach them the safe and appropriate procedure. Which best
describes the leadership quality that Mindy is exhibiting?
being resilient
practicing adaptability
taking initiative
O setting rules



taking initiative


When a leader takes an initiative, this means that he/she knows what to do in a situation or when a situation calls for her attention. She does this by grabbing the opportunity to spot on things that need to be changed in order to provide an overall progress for the entire group.

In the situation above, Mindy knew that hazardous waste is dangerous if not disposed properly. Noticing that many of the new staff improperly disposed them made her act immediately. She knew she needed to tell them, so they could changed their behavior. This is an important quality of a leader. This sets a good example for the subordinates to follow.

What are seven things that the skeletal system allows you to do?



Protecting internal organs from injury. For example, the skull protects the brain, while the thoracic cage protects the heart and lungs.

Allowing for movement. Muscles attach to bones through tendons. ...

Producing blood cells. ...

Storing minerals and nutrients.

Body support



 Hope this helps

what is one advantage of telemedicine



Many potential benefits of telemedicine can be envisaged, including: improved access to information; provision of care not previously deliverable; improved access to services and increasing care delivery; improved professional education; quality control of screening programmes; and reduced health-care costs.

How to make my parents proud of me?​



I know. It's to disagree with everything they say and let your dad go get the milk


1)Score good marks in your exams.

2)Keep participating in competitions.

3)Be the first to answer in your class.

4)Answer the question that your teacher asks you.



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